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 version history
 info, guides

 DVD specs

 DvdReMake Pro interface
 DVD Tree pane
 Domain Content pane
 Block Preview pane
 VMG Title pane
 VTS Title pane
 PGC pane
 Button Dialog
 Menu Color Scheme Dialog
 VM Command Dialog

"Customize menu background"

"Put two DVDs to one disk keeping original menus"

"Insert chapter into DVD movie keeping menus"

   DvdReMake Pro Interface - Block Preview Pane  

Pane shows video material and buttons information for the cells (angles) contained in the block. Only I and P frames are shown.

There could be different amount of buttons with different actions throughout the scene. Intervals of the cell with the same amount of buttons are combined into button segments. These segments can be switched with the tabs at the bottom of the pane.

Angles can be switched with tabs on the left side of the pane.

  Available actions

Right click on the button brings up a menu with following items:

Hide button TODO
Delete button TODO
Edit button Brings up a Button Editing Dialog

TODO difference between hide and delete.

Right click on the frame brings up a menu with following items:

Cut from here
Cut to here
Export frame Export current frame as a bitmap file; to be used for menu reauthoring (for example).
Import buttonsModify buttons information in this segment accordingly to the data in imported .mbl file.
Export buttons Save buttons information for this segment into file. User can select to either export bitmap file with button rectangles or .mbl (menu buttons layout) file.
Add buttonAdd new button to the current button segment.
Edit color schemeBrings up a Color Scheme Editing Dialog

Note: Buttons just define highlight area and actions (command) to be executed when button is selected. There is no text or movie "in the button". All these is in the video. Deleting or hiding a button will not change menu graphics. To change this it is necessary to reauthor menu - make a new one with different video and old (or new) subpictures and audio. Same is valid for added buttons.