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 version history
 info, guides

 DVD specs

 DvdReMake Pro interface
 DVD Tree pane
 Domain Content pane
 Block Preview pane
 VMG Title pane
 VTS Title pane
 PGC pane
 Button Dialog
 Menu Color Scheme Dialog
 VM Command Dialog

"Customize menu background"

"Put two DVDs to one disk keeping original menus"

"Insert chapter into DVD movie keeping menus"

   DvdReMake Pro Interface - Domain Content Pane  

This pane is shown when VMG, VTS or VTS Menu item is selected in Dvd Tree pane. Pane has two parts.

At the top is a Blocks List with all the blocks used in this part of the disk. A first frame from the video stream of each block is used as a thumbnail image. Size of each block is shown in the top left corner of the thumbnail image. "A" identifies multi angle blocks.

  Available actions

Right click on any thumbnail brings up a menu with following items:

Hide blockReplace block with blank "stock" block - a block which has only few blank frames.
Replace blockReplace selected block with any block contained in the vob files on your computer. The program puts only one limitation on replacement block: it should have the same format (PAL or NTSC) as an original. It is user responsibility to ensure that all needed streams are present in the replacement.

Detailed information about block selected in the Blocks List pane is shown underneath in the Block Preview pane.