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   Naruči MenuEdit  
Users say:
Just paid to upgrade to dvdremake 3.0 and I love it. The new interface is very nice, I love the feature to skip over blank/black frames, everything seems snappier and more responsive also. I was even going to do a feature request to be able to remove audio streams...and I was very pleasantly surprised to find it already implemented. Great job. This is a great program that I use multiple times a week. The price is just right also. clockworks

Ohrabrujemo svakoga zainteresiranoga za MenuEdit da isproba besplatnu verziju kako biste se uvjerili da je kompatibilna sa vašim sustavom.

Tekući MenuEdit košta $16.50. Jednom registrirani nećete morati platiti ništa za slijedeće verzije.

Nastavi sa MenuEdit narudžbom.