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   Replace cell in .vob file  
Users say:
I use your tool quite often. It is the simplest way for me change the tab order on a menu since my regular DVD authoring software does not have that feature. Thanks

Why: There are a lot of reasons why you may want to replace a cell in .vob file, for example: remove intro/logo screen.
Tools: MenuEdit, IfoEdit.
Please notice that this can be done easier nowdays with DvdReMake program

1. Start MenuEdit and open vob file;
2. Select cell you want to replace;
Note: you may use "Edit" to preview content of the cell to be sure that it is the one you need.
Note: check "Show all cells" if you want to see cells without buttons.
3. "Replace";
4. Goto "Select Cell" dialog;
5. "Open" file containing a replacement cell;
6. Select cell you want use;
Note: check "preview" to enable preview of the cell.
7. "OK";
8. Make sure "keep original cell/vob id" checked;
9. "OK";
10. Confirm that you really want to replace selected cell;
11. If you don't need to edit/delete/replace anything else with MenuEdit, then "Exit";
12. Update corresponding .ifo file when you are finished with this .vob file.