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   Tilaa MenuEdit  
Users say:

I just purchased your DvdReMake PRO and wanted to write to tell you how thrilled I am about this software. I have just gone through 2 days of pain trying virtually every program that I could find until I found yours and I thought, nah I can probably still figure this out without it. 48 hours later with a deadline in 5 hours with no hope of getting a remotely decent re-authored DVD for a meeting with the government that my company is having first thing in the AM. Out of desperation I download your program crossing my fingers....

10 minutes later. Finished. Beautiful. So intuitive that your one paragraph email told me all that I needed to know and I figured the rest out without even having the manual. I can't believe it. What a spectacular program. Talk about the best invested $50 of my life....

My recommendations to anyone looking for a top of the line re-authoring software that takes the pain out of this relatively complicated task.

Many thanks. Darius

Suosittelemme kaikkia MenuEditistä kiinnostuneita kokeilemaan ilmaisversiota käytännössä ennen tilausta varmistaakseen sen yhteensopivuuden oman tietokoneensa kanssa.

Nyt MenuEdit maksaa $16.50. Kun olet rekisteröitynyt, et maksa senttiäkään MenuEdit tulevista versioista.

Jatka MenuEditin tilaukseen.