We're much interested in mutually beneficial relationships and long-term partnering with software resellers and computer technology OEM's. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or offers.
Additionally, our affiliate program is an opportunity for everyone to earn money by promoting our software. If you own or manage a web-site, you can participate in our affiliate program. We welcome anyone, from people maintaining a small personal home page to magazines, portals, and larger software libraries. For every sale you generate, you earn up to 40% of the sale amount!
You simply promote our program through banners, buttons or text links, and the Affiliate Management system implemented at DimadSoft.com keeps track of the users you send to our site who download the software. Then, when they buy the program, you get paid, even if they buy the program weeks later. We can also provide our affiliates with custom software builds to ensure their credit.
Joining is easy and free! Just contact us for details and you can start making money with our programs today.
There are a few opportunities to get full versions of MenuEdit, DvdReMake and DvdReMake Pro for free.
Our products are free if you link to our web-site from your web-site. You can get the full version of any of our products for free, in exchange for a permanent link to the product page from your web-site, which must first be approved. If your site is information-intensive, and is listed with popular search engines, especially Google, then there is a good chance that your link will be approved. You will have to place a few short lines of text along with the link, and optionally a small picture. There are additional requirements for this option, so you first need to contact us to discuss specific details about your link.
Our products are free for any public relations person, including but not limited to, reviewers, columnists, news reporters, and editors from any kind of traditional and electronic media. If you represent or work for a computer or technology magazine, if you manage a popular web-site, or publish a news-letter, you are welcome to send us a request and get your free, fully-functional copy of software.
Our products are free for long-time company supporters. These are people who help us in building trust and brand awareness about our company spreading the word about our software and services. If you like our software and feel confident about sharing your belief with others, then you have the right to use the software for free. Share your belief with others. Simply tell people about your favorite program. Let them know!
