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 Load assets
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"Customize menu background"

"Put two DVDs to one disk keeping original menus"

"Insert chapter into DVD movie keeping menus"

   Merge Previously Split DVDs - Step 1: Load assets  
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It all worked as advertised! Thanks very much for all your help. It was very much appreciated and I thank you guys for having this forum available to help us out with making sense out of DVD authoring with this great piece of software, DVDRemake Pro! Z

In this guide we will show how to merge two DVD disks which were created when one DVD9 was split into two DVD5 disks. Of course splitted disks had menus and we would like to keep menus (chapters selection, etc) in merged disk. Just to illustrate that DvdReMake Pro can handle multiangle DVDs we will use multiangle disk (StarWars Episode II: "Attack of the Clones") as an example.

We start with importing both disks into DvdReMake Pro. For each disk do "File/Import DVD" and navigate to the directory with ifo/bub/vob files:

When you see your disk files hit "Select". If there is no problem with the disk then it will be loaded quite fast. It might take longer if there are problems detected and program needs to do a detailed parsing of vob files. If you have DvdReMake Pro configured to search for very short BOV segments then this will also slow down import process.

Original disk was split into two (disk1) and (disk2) with IfoEdit long time ago. It is easy to split such disks now - just load into DvdReMake and hide what you don't need. At that time it was quite a struggle to fix angles playback in created disks.

Two imported disks we are going to merge.

At the time of the split extras were duplicated on both disks and there were no changes done to menus. Which is nice - we don't need to spend time restoring menus and extras on merged disk.

As we can see from above picture main movie is in the VTS1 and if we will look into VTS1 Program Chains we will immediately find out that it is in the PGC1. It is also easy to find out that main movie is in Title1.

So, if we want to recreate original dvd on merged disk we have to recreate:

  • original VTS1/PGC1 content and
  • chapter pointers in VTS1/Title1.

Next: Merge data .